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Get your tailored offer

Looking for multiple servers or a custom server configuration? Share your specific requirements with us to receive a personalized proposal. DataPacket’s team is ready to assist you with any sales or configuration-related inquiries.

Let’s build your infrastructure

Provide detailed information about your project to help us understand your requirements. We’ll get back to you with a tailored proposal within 1 working day.

Trial deployment comes without any service limitations or quotas, and allows you to continue seamlessly to production.

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Why choose DataPacket as your dedicated server provider

In stock availability

2,728 available servers with same‑day delivery, usually deployed within 4 hours after payment.

Custom servers on demand

We’re happy to build a server with custom hardware for you. Upgrading your hardware or bandwidth plan is possible at all times.

No commitment

We provide our services on a pay-as-you-go basis without any further commitments.

Exceptional support

As our client, you have 24/7 access to technical support via email, chat, or personal Slack channel.

Trial deployments

Test our network, server hardware, and support, through a trial deployment without any service limitations or quotas, with seamless transition to production.

Bandwidth pooling

Bandwith pool allows you to have single traffic plan for multiple servers within the same continent.