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 · 2 min read

A tribute to D1P1, our first server: 10 years of uninterrupted service


A journey through time

This year, as we celebrate our company’s 10th anniversary, it’s fitting to look back at D1P1. It was officially our first server, and it remained active for nearly the entire decade, experiencing minimal downtime even as it transitioned between different clients.

Over its lifetime, D1P1 worked hard for 11 different customers. The last client had it running from March 6, 2018, all the way until March 8, 2024—what a run!

Throughout the years, the server underwent three system renamings and physical relabelings. Despite these changes, its identity remained constant as our symbolic server number one, or as we fondly call it, D1P1.

Job done like no other

During its years of operation, D1P1 transferred a staggering total of 20,995 TB of data, which is equivalent to downloading a 4K movie a million times. It consistently operated at a usage rate of 700 Mbps at the 95th percentile for most of its service life.

Originally equipped with a 1 Gbps uplink, D1P1 underwent several upgrades to meet the evolving needs of our clients:

  • Upgraded to 2 x 1 Gbps.
  • Further enhanced to 10 Gbps.
  • Ultimately settled back to 2 x 1 Gbps for the last six years of its operation.

At DataPacket, we’re all about making sure our hardware meets our clients' needs. We regularly build fully customized servers and keep our hardware configurator up-to-date with the best components.

The legacy continues

Yes, it is just a piece of hardware, but for us, D1P1 symbolizes the beginnings of DataPacket. 

Back then, people knew our company under the brand, and a 1 Gbps uplink was something special at that time.

A lot has changed since then—both in the industry and within our company—but one thing will always stay the same: our passion for making our clients happy.

That’s why we’re keeping D1P1 in our office as a little reminder of where we started and what’s really important to us.

Thanks for being part of this amazing journey with us!

Jakub Uhlir
Written byJakub Uhlir